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On Sunday, December 8, 2001, the Durham, North Carolina police receive a frantic 9-1-1 call at 2:40 a.m. The caller is Michael Peterson. Michael reports to the police that his wife, Kathleen Peterson is at the bottom of the staircase and has suffered from an apparent fall.

Paramedics arrive at the Peterson residence and discover Kathleen at the bottom of the staircase, exactly where her husband claimed to have found her. Right away, first responders notice not only the amount of blood on the staircase, but that the blood appears to be dry. It appears that the blood came from much earlier in the night. Kathleen was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to Michael, earlier that night, him and Kathleen were enjoying wine on the back patio together. Kathleen went back inside the house to use the computer and Michael stayed outside smoking for approximately 45 minutes by himself. Around 2:30am, Michael came back inside and that’s when he discovered Kathleen at the bottom of the staircase, according to Michael.

Shortly after police and paramedics arrived at the Peterson’s residence, they suspected Michael might have had something to do with Kathleen’s death. In addition to the dried blood, police found a “swipe” mark across the wall that looked like someone tried to clean the blood up. Blood was also found on the bottom of Kathleen’s feet.
Investigators found a bloody shoe print on Kathleen’s sweatpants. Interestingly, Michael’s shoes and socks were found right next to her body.
Kathleen’s blood and forensic evidence wasn’t just found on or near her body at the bottom of the staircase.
Investigators also found 2 large drops of blood outside on the back patio of the house. These drops of blood weren’t anywhere near the staircase or Kathleen’s body. There was another blood stain found on the side door of the house, leading out to the back patio. As well as a few blood drops inside the kitchen sink.
During the search of the house, police discovered an open bottle of wine in the kitchen and 2 wine glasses. Michael Peterson’s fingerprints were found on one of the glasses, but Kathleen’s fingerprints were never found on the glass. Police also found what appeared to be a used condom in the master bedroom.

At 5:00 a.m., a few hours after Kathleen’s death, Michael accessed the family computer and called his attorney, Carey Sutton.
After Kathleen’s death, a forensic search was conducted on the Peterson’s computer. The forensic search confirmed that Kathleen DID used the family computer that night, but much earlier than Michael told the police. But that’s not the only thing the forensic search found.
The forensic search of the Peterson’s computer found that thousands of images had been deleted from the computer. Thousands of images of gay porn. They also found email exchanges between Michael Peterson and several male escorts.

During the investigation into Kathleen’s death, investigators learn that Michael and Kathleen were in $143,000 in credit card debt. Michael was also the beneficiary of Kathleen’s $2 million life insurance policy.
Police called in a forensic meteorologist to study the weather the night of Kathleen’s death. Remember, Michael claimed he stayed on the back-patio smoking in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The forensic meteorologist testified that the weather on the night in question was between 50-55 degrees. Well outside one’s own “comfort zone” to sit outside in a t-shirt and shorts as Michael claimed.
An autopsy on Kathleen’s body discovered 7 lacerations to the top of her skull. The medical examiner also noticed that Kathleen suffered from a lack of oxygen prior to her death.
Based on the forensic evidence and inconsistencies in Michael’s story, he was arrested and charged with Kathleen’s murder.

Episode Sources:
Michael Peterson Wikipedia
Facinate website
Malke Crime Notes website
The Cinemaholic website
The Staircase, Netflix
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